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Neuroscientific pain modulation STHLM

lör 25 maj


Hobo Hotel

Note: This course is in English. Neuroscience pain modulation is an innovative two-day course focusing on pain research and pain modulation. Learn what is the best and most popular modalities in pain management, and the typical errors in pain management.

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Neuroscientific pain modulation STHLM
Neuroscientific pain modulation STHLM

Tid och plats

25 maj 2019 08:00 – 26 maj 2019 16:00

Hobo Hotel, Brunkebergstorg 4, 111 51 Stockholm, Sverige


Om evenemanget

Obs denna kurs hålls på engelska, men vi kommer vara behjälpliga med översättning av ord på svenska om behov finns.

Lokal är inte klart än, vi återkommer med information om denna.

Neuroscience pain modulation is an innovative two-day course focusing on pain research and pain modulation. Learn what is the best and most popular modalities in pain management, and the typical errors in pain management. Get a thorough introduction to modern and scientific pain management, as well as an in-depth understanding of the complexity of pain and the many factors that affect the pain experience.

With well over 300 scientific references the two day course presents a much needed and anticipated update to the governing and fundamental theories and concepts in traditional pain management and physiotherapy.

• Learn an updated approach to the treatment of pain that you can immediately apply in your practice and that reinforces the tools you already use

• Get a thorough and in-depth review of the many different factors which modulate pain, as a strong and fundamental starting point for an updated approach to the treatment of patients with pain

• Learn to convey and explain the latest neuroscience knowledge about pain to patients. Through the use of images and metaphors in an easy and understandable way, reducing the risk pain catastrophizing, a typical risk factor for patients

• Learn the latest pain research and gain an in-depth understanding of the complexity of pain and the many factors that modulate your patients' pain experience

• Learn to view communication as a powerful tool between the therapist and patient

• Get an innovative and updated approach to the treatment of complex chronic pain

• Learn a scientific and principle-based approach to the treatment of all diagnoses where pain is the cardinal symptom, that is where pain is the patients predominant symptom

• Get an in-depth and detailed review of most used modalities within

pain management, as well as an innovative guide to choosing modalities

• Get a current and updated model for clinical reasoning in pain management

Neuroscientific pain modulation is a scientific and principle-based approach to the treatment of all diagnoses where pain is the cardinal symptom. This course fits both clinical practitioners and trainers who want to expand their knowledge.

If you want to stay at the venue of this course there is a discount code you can use to get a better pricing and also have full access to the SPA. This discount code is sent with your ticket e-mail.


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